Saturday 1 March 2014

Facebook Acronyms and Smileys

Chat slang codes

Slang’s have become very common in chats, sms and emails. People new to these slangs find it really difficult to understand the conversation.On the other hand, they save a lot of time and effort.I will give the most commonly used slangs with there meanings, that are used in facebook chat or Sms.

Here are the Most Commonly used Facebook chat slang’s

ASAP As Soon As Possible

GN Good Night

M/F Are You Male or Female?

ASL Tell me your Age,se* and Location

IDK I don’t Know

SD Sweet Dreams

BRB Be Right Back

JK Just Kidding

Thnx Thanks

BTW By The Way

K Okay

TY Thank You

ROFL Rolling on Floor Laughing

LOL Laugh out Loud

TTYL Talk to you later

FYI For Your Information

LMAO Laugh My a** Out

WTF Welcome To Facebook

WTF What The F***

FB Facebook

LMFAO Laugh my f***ing a** off

WTH What the hell

GM Good Morning

LMK Let Me Know

zzz Sleeping

BFF Best Friends Forever

B4 Before

L8 Late

gr8 great

plz please

sry sorry

bbz babes

kk okay

kl cool

OMG Oh My God

LMS Like My Status

*$ Starbucks

*$$ Starbucks

1c Once

coz Because

CD9 Parents are watching

CD99 Parents are no longer watching

cia, cya, cu See You

cmon Come on!

dno Don't know

enuf Enough



fwd Forward

gf Girlfriend

gb Good Bye

g8 Great

g9 Good Night

Congo, grats Congratulations

hi5 High Five

hon, hun Honey

IHA I Hate Acronyms

LI Linkedin

ma My

lil Little

JAM Just a Minute

msg Message

mysp My Space

neva Never

ol Online

pwd Password

pic Picture

pix Pictures

plz, pls Please

ppl People

sorta Sort of

kinda Kind of

TYT Take Your Time

This list is far from complete but it has the most commonly used slang codes in facebook chat. If I missed some then do share them with our readers by posting comments.

Here are a few smileys:

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