Friday, 14 March 2014

Deadline Virus Maker Software-Make your own Virus

Deadline virus maker software is an powerfull tool which helps us in building viruses which can cause damage...

When you want to transfer a virus to your friends laptop or computer..

Just make a virus using this Deadline Virus maker software and send it to your friend..

This software creates some windows files like with .bat or .exe extensions which help to perform windows operations...

This Virus maker has some inbuilt virus like shutting down your friends computer, opening hid cd-rom, opening notepad continously, irritating message or pop up boxes, Disconnecting from the internet, Disabling firewall or disabling Task manager etc..

These are some operations which can be performed using this Deadline virus maker and there are many more operations too..

This Tool is handy and can be easily used..
Just tick the option for which you want to generate the virus and send it to your friends..

When they double click on it ....your virus will act and your operation will be succeded...

Download the Deadline virus Maker from the link below

Use this tool only for educational purposes..It may cause damage to your system

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