Friday, 14 March 2014

Facebook Hacking or Use as E-Mail Hacking

In this tutorial I will demonstrate how to hack Facebook using MITM (Man in the Middle).
This attack usually happen inside a Local Area Network (LAN) in office, internet cafe, apartments, flats, Coffee shops etc.
Below is the topology or infrastructure how MITM works, and how it can be used to hack a Facebook account.

Basic Requirements


Okay, let’s start the step-by-step how to do this:
Attacker IP Address :
Victim IP Address :
Fake Web Server :
I assume you’re in a Local Area Network (Wireless) no
  1. Install the XAMPP and run the APACHE and MySQL service
  2. Extract the fb.rar and copy the contents inside fb folder to C:\xampp\htdocs
  3. Check the fake web server by opening it in a web browser and type http://localhost/
  4. Install Cain & Abel and do the APR(ARP Poisoning Routing), just see the step by step how to below
    1. Open Cain n Abel. Click the start/stop sniffer button
    2. Choose your interface for sniffing and click OK. When it’s finish, click again the Start/Stop Sniffer to activate the sniffing interface.
    3. Go to the Sniffer tab and then click the + (plus sign).
    4. Select “All hosts in my subnet” and Click OK.
    5. After we got all of the information, click at the bottom of application the APR tab.
    6. Click the + button, and follow the instruction below.
    7. When you finish, now the next step is preparing to redirect the page to the fake web server.
    8. Click “APR DNS” and click + to add the new redirecting rule.
    9. Add the redirection rule as shown below:
    10. Then the next step is to activate the APR by clicking the Start/Stop APR button.
  5. Setting the “hosts” file
    1. Run “Notepad” in Administrator Mode
    2. Click File-> Open… to bring up the Open File  Dialog box
    3. Navigate to “C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc”
      • Choose “All Files” from file type dropdown
      • Open “hosts” file having it’s Type as “File”
    4. Type “” on the last line Save file and Exit Notepad
  6. Now Hacking Facebook using MITM has been activated. This is how it looks like when victim opens
  7. But if you ping the domain name, you can reveal that it’s fake, because the address is IP of the attacker.

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